Wednesday, March 10, 2004

Remember me?

Sorry for being absent [minded] for so long, I've gone part-time at work which means that now I only have to sit in front of the screen for half the day.

I can only begin to express how lovely this has been so far. Mostly, I doss about the place - practice my diablo, go to the park/beach, play playstation, watch DVDs, wander about in the sunshine. Suzie says I've re-found myself. Not that I had lost myself, but I became a different gilly for a little while. Stressed, tired and irritable but learning a lot. So while weird worky gilly still exists, she has to co-exist now with old, dosser, student gilly. They will (hopefully) live happily ever after... at least for the next two and a half months.

Last night we had two revelations regarding my future. The first will make my millions, the second is what I will spend those millions on.
1. Musical backpacks (entirely copywritten/writed/righted/wrote). A regular rookie (?!) with built in speaker and CD player, harking back to the days of the ghetto blaster on the shoulder but far less manual labour. Groove along the streets attracting the longing and jealous (they're longing and jealous, not laughing and sneering) eyes of passers by.
The dance moves you come up with while walking are quite incredible.
2. My cruiseship with dog track, casino, disco-funk club and dog track (did I say that already?) My giant fur coat, tree trunk cuban cigar, Pat Butcher hair and solid gold shoes with tiny wheels on the bottom which make it look like I float effortlessley from dog track to dog track to dog track.

That's my dream, baby. Ain't no one gonna stop me. Fuckin' G...

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