Tuesday, March 16, 2004

I don't think I'm going to be able to get my head to think about writing today. I've been overwhelmed by this enormous, angsty feeling. I don't know what I can say, it's very serious.

It's just come on, just now. It snapped into my brain and now I can't shake it. And the biggest problem is, is that being here in Spain, there's nothing I can do to rectify it, I just have to wait until it passes.

Is there somewhere I can go to get help? A counsellor or a therapist? A doctor?! Maybe they can take out the part of my brain which makes me feel this way. One thing's for certain, I don't know if I'm going to be able to ride this storm out. The need is burning in my head and scorching my brain and I can't handle it very much longer...

==iF aNyOnE kNoWs WhErE i CaN bUy PeAnUt BuTtEr In ThIs BaRbArIc ToWn... PLEASE rElIeVe My MySeRy==

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