Monday, January 12, 2004

I have been doing a mood board at work this week. It mostly involves cutting out cartoon characters and sticking them to a board. Capturing the mood of a "gang" of 8-12 year olds. I have had fun. It's like being back at primary school.

Plus, it meant buying loads of magazines and with that came a nerf-esque rocket thingy and some rather fetching dog tags into which I can scratch my name, age and two other details about myself which I can't translate. ("RH"? "CHICO 10"?). Useful. In case I am killed in action, although with my nerf-esque rocket I don't know how I would be...

This is a little incongruous I know, but I have a question to all those who are more knowledgeable about this than me... Everyone: If Tony Blair is now admitting that there probably aren't any WMDs in Iraq, and Iraq said from the start that they didn't have any, and THAT was what was considered the material breach of Resolution 1441 that lead to war... Did it actually commit a material breach??
I don't mean that in any kind of ironic or sarcastic way. I'm genuinely interested. I guess it's something to do with the fact that 1441 was a UN resolution and that, in the end, the UN had very little to do with it. Any ideas??

Other than that, it is quite a sad day because even though I had been told it, I saw today that the giant inflatable ham had been taken away from outside the building near my work and this can mean only one thing. The ham convention has come to an end... And I no longer have the only chance I will ever have to steal a giant inflatable ham leg.


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